
Believe Be Beyond

Learnings, sharings, tips & tricks for anyone to refer and help you manifesting your true self.

Self Leadership Nithin SS Self Leadership Nithin SS

Discovering Self-Leadership: Leading Your Own Path

Leadership is often about managing others, getting them to do certain things, and ultimately moving up the leadership ladder. However, Leadership is way more complex than that. For Leaders to have an impact on other people, they need to lead themselves first to understand how they show up and create inspiration and motivation. Whether you’re an emerging leader, an experienced leader or a small business owner, you must start by leading and understanding yourself first.

Self-leadership is about knowing and understanding ourselves, our emotions, strengths, motivators and drivers when things get challenging or uncertain. As well as the impact we have on the people that we lead. This article will explore how self-leadership can transform how we confront obstacles and pursue our goals amid today's society's competition and changing dynamics.

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Leadership, Career Nithin SS Leadership, Career Nithin SS

7 Types of Leadership: Discover your leadership style and know when & how to use them

Identifying the different types of leadership is crucial to understanding how a leader can affect a team's dynamics, the company's productivity, and the success of any project. Knowing the characteristics of each type of leader will allow us to select the most appropriate leadership style for each situation and maximise the talent of our team.

This article will guide you to understand your leadership style and help you to make an impact in your organisation; come read along!

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Reflection Nithin SS Reflection Nithin SS

A quick guide for writing your year-end Reflection in 6 steps.

Our experiences are built based on how we understand and reflect on things that happened. Exploring and examining ourselves, our perspectives, attributes, experiences, and actions/interactions helps us gain insight and see how to move forward. It is essential to reflect on things that happened, so this is a quick guide that could help you if you want to set up your year-end Reflection - and need help figuring out where to start. In this guide, you'll see suggestions for setting up your space, questions for reflecting on the past year, and ideas for setting intentions for the coming year.

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